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Generations of communist rule left the people of eastern Europe spiritually and economically impoverished. Thoughts of Faith is helping to bring the healing message of the Gospel back to these people while at the same time easing the burdens of their health and welfare. Through medical and dental clinics, parental counseling, tuition assistance, direct education, pastoral training, church construction grants, and traditional missionary work, we have brought Christ to tens of thousands of people and clothed and cared for over 40 thousand children.

With your support, we are able to share the transforming message of God’s undying love with the people of Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Latvia. We are thankful that God has used us to help bring healing and peace to many families that were displaced by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. We are thankful that God has used us to help in saving the lives of hundreds of unborn children. And we are thankful that God has used us to help in spreading his Word in this part of the world, through preaching, through teaching, and through print and broadcast media.

Our task, as the Lord gives us the opportunity, is to proclaim the message of God’s salvation in Christ to people who suffered from half a century or more of dreadful religious persecution, and who for so long were seldom if ever able to hear this message of divine forgiveness and hope. Those who have always lived in a free society may take the opportunities they have to hear this message for granted. But for many in eastern Europe this is a new experience, and for those who are brought to a saving faith in the Gospel it is an experience of indescribable joy!

We hope you will take a few moments to learn a little more about how the Lord has blessed our efforts, and perhaps God will lead you to become a part of this ongoing work through your prayers and support.

Thoughts of Faith is a Confessional Lutheran mission society operated by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. We invite you to contact our staff if you have any questions or suggestions. We would love to hear from you!